yesterday i

had one Coke.  Yes, I had numerous Diet Dr. Peppers and several glasses of tea but only one glass of Coke.  Same goes for today.  While my DP is artificially sweetened and my tea is only a little artificially sweetened, neither compare to the sugar in my Coke.  Also today, I read that new findings show that artificial sweeteners cause depression.  I can't win.  I just can't win.

I hit pause on the tv so I could show something to Eric.  I was watching the news at the time.  I can't figure out what she's saying but he's agreeing with me.  "Nope.  You just can't win."  Maybe she's telling me to have 2 glasses of sugar.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure she is. 

Either way, I'm positive the sugar in my lemon pound cake will even out the whole depression brought on by the artificial sweetener.  If not, I'll have another Coke.